Living by our values

For long-term succes

The call for responsible entrepreneurship has never been greater. This means that issues such as anti-corruption, fair competition, transparency and socially responsible behaviour get a lot of attention. While many of these aspects are laid down in legislation, doing business responsibly is about more than just complying with the rules. It’s also about tangible, positive impact.

By being true to our values and principles, we build trusting relationships with like-minded customers, suppliers, employees, and partners. Together, we pave the way for a sustainable future every day.


Ethical entrepreneurship

The starting point for ethical entrepreneurship is our Code of Conduct. It describes the behaviour we expect from everyone working on behalf of Circet Benelux, which benefits the team atmosphere and creates clarity. For example, everyone knows how to avoid corruption and unethical practices as much as possible. This can help make decisions when faced with moral dilemmas. We regularly expand our Code of Conduct to offer our employees even greater support.

In line with our internal Code of Conduct, we also have a Supplier Code of Conduct. We also expect our suppliers to adhere to the highest safety standards, treat employees fairly and apply ethical principles. We want to encourage responsible entrepreneurship throughout our entire supply chain.

Did you observce unethical behaviour? Report it!

Employees, sub-contractors and other people can anonymously report unethical situations through our whistleblower portal, which enables us to take swift remedial action. By the way, did you know that our employees must follow a mandatory online training to familiarise themselves with the why and how of this portal?


Data and privacy protection

Data en privacy

As a leading service provider in telecom and smart energy infrastructure, we continuously come into contact with sensitive and personal data. With an ISO/IEC 27001 international standard compliant management system, we keep all information safe and quickly identify new risks. Another bonus: the standard helps us comply with regulations such as the GDPR.

In addition, we mainly focus on employee awareness. Setting up systems and guidelines for information security and cybersecurity only makes sense if everyone understands why it is important. People are at the heart of everything.


Training on GDPR and phishing

With targeted training we create a culture in which information security is a shared responsibility.


Making sustainability part of our DNA

We want to bring our vision of sustainability and all the objectives associated with it to life in every layer of our organisation. The starting point: open communication. We engage in dialogue with everyone about our plans and zoom in on the concrete ways teams and individuals can contribute. Better still, we want to fully integrate sustainability into our daily work with the help of specific targets.

Climate Fresk workshops

In these workshops, participants discover which scientific findings underpin climate change and how they can take action as individuals.

Climate fresk-1